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Personnel Management Principles

Personnel Management Principles

S&I adheres to the following principles in its HR and operational affairs to achieve its management philosophy of “value creation for customers” and “people-oriented management”.

  • Foundation of Value Generation
    Respect for Creativity and Autonomy

    An individual’s creativity is the foundation of value generation. We respect individuality, diversity and autonomy of each individual so that they can maximize their creativity.

  • Operational Methods
    Emphasis on Competence

    Competence is the driving force of performance. We focus on individual competence in securing and talent development in accordance with necessary requirements and processes.

    Reward According to Performance

    Reward according to performance is the key to motivation. We evaluate performance fairly and provide compensation according to individual/team contribution.

  • Fundamental Beliefs
    Fair Opportunity

    Providing fair opportunities forms the basis of trust. We provide fair opportunities to all employees based on their competence and qualifications.

    Long-term Perspective

    Maintaining a long-term perspective is the foundation of HR and organizational operations. We maintain a consistent and long-term perspective in HR-related decision-making and activities.

Compensation System

S&I implements a performance-oriented compensation system based on an objective and fair evaluation.
We pursue a performance-oriented culture by granting incentives to employees demonstrating outstanding performance.

  • Basic Salary

    Individual annual salary is determined
    according to annual performance
    evaluation and paid monthly

  • Incentives

    Incentives are paid on a regular basis or as
    required when individuals or organizations
    have attained outstanding performance

  • Management Bonus

    Bonuses are paid according to the
    amount of surplus as a result of the
    company’s management performance

Unauthorized Collection of E-mail

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